What is the DataHub API?

The DataHub API is an official API provided by Machbase DataHub that enables easy extraction, manipulation, and transformation of replicated data.

By utilizing this API, you can access data in any table and tag within Machbase in a standardized way. Moreover, since programs written in various programming languages can access it in the same manner, you can develop applications based on a transparent and standardized interface.

We plan to continuously add new types of APIs and functionalities. The official APIs are currently located in the datahub folder at:

All APIs are broadly categorized into five areas.

1. EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis)

The process of understanding the characteristics of the data is supported. It helps in better understanding the data through an overall overview, visual, and statistical analysis. This helps shorten data analysis time and improve prediction accuracy.


Name Function Description
Data_Info Display basic information about the data Link
Visualize_EDA Display visual information about the data Link
statistical_test Statistical test for the data Link

2. Model

It supports calling and using various AI models. The use of models is simple, and flexible utilization is possible through multiple options. By simplifying the complex model implementation process, it enables faster and more effective AI modeling.


Name Function Description
BiLSTM Time Series model Link
DLinear Time Series Forecasting model Link
PatchMixer Time Series Forecasting model Link
SparseTSF Time Series Forecasting model Link
TCN Time Series model Link
TimeLinear Time Series Forecasting model Link
LSTMAE Time Series model Link
ResNet1d Time Series model Link

3. Preprocessing

It supports the data preprocessing process. Based on the characteristics of the data identified during EDA, it helps to easily perform preprocessing tasks.


Name Function Description
TimeFeatureGenerator Creates time features using the time index Link
MinMaxScaler Normalization function using the maximum and minimum values Link
FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) Apply Hanning window and FFT transformation Link

4. TQL

It supports the integration between Machbase Neo and Python, a feature from the previous API v1.0. This enables efficient data integration.


Name Function Description
select-rawdata Select rawdata in Machbase Neo Link
select-rollup Select Statistics values in Machbase Neo Link
select-scale Select Minimum and maximum values in Machbase Neo Link
get-tag-names Select Tag Table's Tag Name in Machbase Neo Link

5. Util

It supports a variety of auxiliary functions that can be useful in the AI development process. It helps efficiently handle tasks such as data loading and result visualization. As a result, developers can automate or simplify additional tasks that would otherwise need to be manually handled.


Name Function Description
show_column Display Tag Table's Tag Name using get-tag-names.tql Link
data_load Load Tag Table data in Machbase Neo Link
compare_graph Display graph the comparison between the model's predictions and the actual values Link
set_minmax_value Set Minimum and maximum values using select-scale.tql Link