FFT(Fast Fourier Transform)
This API performs a preprocessing function that applies the Hanning window followed by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to the time series data.
Hanning window
- The signal processing technique used to reduce spectral leakage.
- The Hanning window smoothly tapers the data to zero at both ends, minimizing sharp transitions that can lead to unwanted frequency components when the data is transformed using FFT.
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- Fourier Transform is a mathematical technique used to convert a signal from its original time domain to the frequency domain.
- The signal is decomposed into its constituent frequencies, transforming it into various frequency components that make up the signal.
API module path
from api.v2.Preprocessing.FFT import FFT
- Specifies the sample rate of the data.
- Example
- sample_rate = 1000
- Specifies the data frame.
Example Sample Code (Python)

Check the entire module code.
datahub/api/v2/Preprocessing/FFT.py at main · machbase/datahub
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